Hi everyone, this is Rachel Stephen back with another video here on livestudyhacks. Today we have a special guest Professor Sabine Kastner, currently a professor at the Princeton neuroscience institute. She is studying how the brain weeds out important information from everyday scenes. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, Professor Kastner is able to peek inside the brain and see what areas are active when a person sees a face, place, or object. Most impressively, Professor Kastner did her postdoctoral research at the National Institute for Mental Health and her research is funded by the national science foundation.She has written the Oxford handbook of attention and has started the young frontier of mind foundation to encourage other kids to learn more about neuroscience. Today we are going to learn more about her research regarding how large-scale networks achieve cognition.
When looking at the thalamo cortical interaction in selective attention, involving the reterna(LGN) and most importantly what your research examines the pulvinar nucleus. Your lab has used a particular method of simultaneous multi-site recording, which allowed you to hypothesize that the pulvinar may have neural activity in two interconnected cortical areas in order to optimize information between them? What exactly is the simultaneous multi-site recording in simplistic terms?