Hi everyone! It is Rachel back with another video here on live study hacks. School is right around the corner, and that means that our relaxing summer break is soon over. We must now bring on our A game! And that means leaving the comfort of our houses to jump back into the in person teaching model. With this challenge in mind today on livestudyhack we will be heading towards the academic route to therefore talk about some secret study tips in order for you to start school on the right foot. Before we start Just a reminder, To help support our channel and the children of incarcerated parents, please make sure to subscribe and like this video, more information is on my website linked down below! So let’s get on to this video. School builds our day to day lives, and there is no escaping from it. It is important in our life for ultimate success. Our education determines the college we get into and our future career. So if we learn to be effective early on, the more we can reap from life’s benefits. Whether you are a slacker, which I admit is me sometimes, a hard worker, or a naturally smart individual, these secret study tips I hope will provide you with inspiration to start studying!
To explain to you all, these tips we will be using a mnemonic which is the word FAST. For your information the acronym FAST is when you are low on time, and you have been given a test or a quiz and you have 1-2 days to study. Follow this FAST mnemonic in order for you to perform well on a test within a short notice. So the first letter is F and that stands for First time success, straight A students have extreme clarity. The trick to that is to get it right the first time. You may often feel like in class that you are not comfortable with a certain topic while the teacher is teaching. However, Toppers succeed in class because they learn the concept beforehand for maximum success.So when class starts, it is just a revision from a different source. These toppers learn a concept that provides them maximum clarity. It could be Khan Academy or a tutor, and at school they can focus on the topic at a more revised level. A stands for always taking notes, the high performers always take notes, they do not look at other people’s notes. They pick up their notes, because they have confidence that their notes are working and making them feel comfortable! Especially these standout students, take handwritten notes because it gets in your brain when you often write things out, so I recommend always write handwritten notes if possible and stick to your own notes. Another quick thing to keep in mind while we are on this topic notes are vital, so while your teacher is teaching take notes. Because when you are taking notes in class you are connecting with what the teacher is saying but if you are lying down and passively letting the image go into the brain, you tend not to remember it. So sit straight, and always take your notes! S- stands for See your notes before bed, your memory is fickle and a quick revision before you sleep will allow you to process the information that you just learned. Sleep makes Alpha waves and your subscious I believe will be slowly processing this information. So revise and sleep! T- stands for Teach someone, before you go to school go to your stuffed animal or go to any family members and ask them to sit and listen to you for just 5 minutes of you briefly explaining the topic. If it is a family member, ask them to ask you questions so that you are fully engaged in the topic. Now you are ready to take on that assessment!
I am going to share with you a second acronym called PACE, which you can implement if you have more study time. I think this pneumonic is extremely helpful, and it has some of my favorite strategies. But before we get started you need to make time tables or a list of your priorities, so you know when to block your time. Please be sure to check out my time management video that I posted last week to create a time management list in order for you to start your work! So onto the acronym PACE, so the first letter P stands for practice test/mock test, practice tests are crucial for success. You can tell with these tests where you went wrong to get further practice! Remember if you are in a time crunch in this process, use Pareto Principle, which 80% questions in your paper is 20%-30% of a syllabus. Make sure to Analyze your practice test paper with your syllabus, and study smart not hard. With this process, make sure you are studying like a teacher, because if you keep yourself in the teacher’s shoes, you are more likely to do well on the test or quiz, as opposed to a regular student who is studying. The Next the letter A, A stands for Acronyms and Mnemonic. Well we are using acronyms for the purpose of this video,so you can remember these tips and strategies.For those who do not know acronyms are words that make up the first letters of other words. As a mnemonic device, acronyms help you remember the first letters of items in a list, which in turn helps you remember the list itself. So for example some common Acronyms are PEMDAS, NASA, UNICEF. Just a fun fact, students rated acronyms helpful in multiple ways, including increasing motivation to begin studying.Students who reported low prior use of acronyms, created their own acronyms during the semester, and conveyed intentions to continue mnemonic use on their own in later classes. According to article on Frontier, the writer suggests that the structure of a mnemonic acronymic directly impacts the mental representation of a task, and finally shows that mnemonic acronyms could be used to improve the resilience toward detrimental effect of interruptions, at least at certain task step of a procedural task.
Let’s move on to the next letter C, C stands for Chunk and close. With Chunking out your time, there are certain methods that people find helpful, there is the famous pomodoro technique, where you study for 25 minutes, take a 5 minute break, then study for a longer period of time, and take a longer break. This works, some like to take short and frequent breaks and keep studying. It really depends. But chunk your time, so you do not sit too long on a subject. If you are studying for a final exam,which requires a week’s notice, use the handy space repetition. Review a concept and after 2 days review that same concept, so you are decreasing that forgetting curve. If you want more information about the spaced repetition, watch Ali Abdaal, he does a really nice job explaining in depth what it is. Also While studying, it is important to close your book, because if you are reading a textbook, and solving a problem with the answer sheet right near you it is probably not going to stick into your head. This method also enhances the Zeingarka Effect which says that you have to 20% read and 80% recite. Chunk your time and close your book is the way to go! Lastly E stands for exercise, okay many of us want to not do this and I believe there are very few out there that are consistent with exercising, we want to binge watch on netflix and eat some popcorn than exercising. But exercising is crucial, and that is why the top 1% does it. While you take your short break, do a quick stretch break, go outside, play your favorite sport, ride a bike, walk a dog, do what you do to get that fresh air and get straight back to work. When you exercise, dopamine release which allows you to finish your work faster. While we talk about breaks, you know it is something I talked about a little bit on my last tip but when you are taking breaks, most people recommend for you to study for 50 minutes, and then take a 5 minute break. After studying for 60 minutes, take a 10 minute break. But take breaks and exercise, you need to get yourself moving!!So this is the PACE acronym when you are studying. Remember to do Practice Test, Use acronyms, Close your book and use Chunks, and lastly to exercise!
I hope you learn some useful tips from the FAST and PACE acronyms! But I would like to give you some additional bonus tips! The first one is to listen to music with no lyrics to help you study. Steve Jobs listened to carnatic music while studying. So this is your time to experiment with different types of music: flamenco or classical music which is one of my particular favorites. After that it is important to know about the subject variety. Study multiple subjects a day, not just two subjects, because the brain likes variety in studying, so periodically revise multiple subjects and do more than 1 thing. This brings me to another tip which is information variety, do not learn information but try multiple sources so you are prepared for a test or assessment which means try to read from your notes, read the textbook, go on khan academy. Everytime you revise the information, do it a different way. This strategy has its ups and downs, and studying with friends. Study with people who are like minded individuals as you who are doing well, hang around people who are motivated and get good grades. So you can learn from them, and they can learn from you so they can enhance your learning. While you are studying with your friends, you are verbalizing information which can help with studying. Studying with friends makes you seem distracted and not focused, and is not your style you do not have to do it. But studying with friends has been proven effective for many! My last and final step is once you have done the best possible in your hands, you must get a sleep! I have a whole another video about the value of sleep, but sleep is so important it produces a large number of waves, and the particularly helpful are the alpha waves that can reduce anxiety and depression. So getting your sleep is so valuable, getting those 8 -10 hours of sleep is mandatory for academic success.
I would like to close this video with a quick summary of what we learned today. So first we learned the acronym FAST, this a strategy you can use for fast studying, and you only have a day to study. F- first time success, get the problem right the first time! A – stands for always take notes, handwritten notes tend to stick better and stick to your own notes. S- stands for seeing your notes before bed, because these tips will go into the subconscious part of your brain. T- stands for teach someone before you go take the exam so it is fresh in your mind! Next we learned the PACE acronym, P stands for Practice test, see your level and review difficult problems, A- stands Acronyms, funny words tend to stick with your brain. C- stands for Close your book and Chunk, closing your book allows for recall in what you learn and will therefore register in you mind, chunk your time for more effective and focused studying. Lastly E- exercise, while taking break exercise to increase dopamine to do work faster. Make sure to keep these tips in mind so that you can have it as a checklist to see if you used these strategies before you studied for a big assessment or test.
Well Thanks for watching this video, and I really hoped you found this video helpful. Please make sure to like this video and subscribe. See you next time! Bye!:)